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#1 08-07-2008 02:25:24

Joe Bar
alias Joe
Date d'inscription: 03-07-2008
Messages: 513
Site web

[DA][T610/T616/T618] Pink Hello Kitty by orgiast1k


Pink Hello Kitty by orgiast1k

A pink Hello Kitty theme for the Sony Ericsson T610/T616/T618.

This is the first theme I have made so far. I wanted a pink one and wasn't having any luck finding any, so I just made my own. I have a T616 and it works fine for me. Unfortunately while making the theme though, I didn't take into consideration the fact that the phone's screen has fewer colors than my monitor, so the colors look a little muted on the phone compared to the preview, but I don't mind. I'll have to remember that for my next theme.

I have found that the easiest way to get the themes on my phone is to use
1. Download the theme file to your hard drive by right clicking the arrow button thing and selecting "save target as."
2. Go to [link] and upload the file. They will give you a link, usercode and passcode.
3. Use your cell phone to go to the WAP address they provided you and enter the usercode and passcode.
4. Download the theme.
5. Go into your settings and select the theme to activate it.

Before I was told about, I was having all sorts of trouble, so give that site a go. If you don't have wireless internet on your phone, people have suggested bluetooth.


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Pour le moment, c'est tout pour les films... mais je vais mettre des clips musicaux maintenant wink.

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